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BerninaBernina v8 embroidery designer Plus
Bernina v8 embroidery ONE LICENSE PER PC Get under the hood of your V8!Learn how to use the various toolsBecome familiar with the new User InterfaceExplore the new stitch types, fonts and features:Color PhotoStitch3D Globe EffectCouchingSee all of the improvements and new options for corners, hooping, outlines, offsets and moreWhether you are new to embroidery software, or upgrading to V8, you will become a confident expert, ready to create your own embroidery designs, or to tweak existing ones to look exactly the way you want them to.0 2929RUB29RUB

Bernina v8 embroidery designer Plus в Нальчике
Bernina v8 embroidery ONE LICENSE PER PC Get under the hood of your V8!Learn how to use the various toolsBecome familiar with the new User InterfaceExplore the new stitch types, fonts and features:Color PhotoStitch3D Globe EffectCouchingSee all of the improvements and new options for corners, hooping, outlines, offsets and moreWhether you are new to embroidery software, or upgrading to V8, you will become a confident expert, ready to create your own embroidery designs, or to tweak existing ones to look exactly the way you want them to.
#ABIGDAY: Vorstellung BERNINA B590 Näh- & Stickmaschine mit Bernina Expertin
#ABIGDAY: Vorstellung BERNINA B590 Näh- & Stickmaschine mit Bernina Expertin
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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